To help participants to:
1. Become aware of your true emotional state, and particularly the emotional exhaustion and depletion that you are (possibly) experiencing.
2. Become aware of what, really, has been driving your choices as a woman.
3. Understand the way your conditioning as a woman in this culture has shaped your relationship with your own needs.
4. Recognize your core beliefs around needs, and particularly your own needs.
5. Understand why your current system of taking care of yourself is failing you.
6. Learn how to self-care—from the inside out. Develop ways of taking care of yourself that actually provide you with what you really need.
7. Reconnect with yourself and build a more authentic—and truthful—life.
Are you feeling emotionally exhausted? Are you trying to do it all and be it all—all the time? Do you worry about being likeable, sometimes at all costs? If you’re like countless other women today, you probably feel overwhelmed, emotionally exhausted, anxious, stressed, frustrated, or unsatisfied. Or all of the above! In addition to managing your own career and running a household, you may be taking on an abundance of emotional labor—tending to others’ needs at the expense of your own. If you’ve spent your whole life trying to please and manage other peoples’ experience, it’s time to speak your truth out loud, stand in your own shoes, and live an authentic life—rather than just behave. Join therapist and spiritual teacher Nancy Colier for our webinar on The Emotionally Exhausted Woman. As women, we are culturally conditioned to believe that we should be able to do it all and should be all things to all people—and needing nothing for ourselves. At the end of the day, these pressures can leave us feeling depleted—in body, mind, and spirit. So, how can you start taking care of you in a deeper way? This empowering webinar will help you gain a newfound awareness of your own needs, and will help you start to find the courage to live a life that both nourishes and inspires you
Who Should Attend?:
• Nurses in all Care, Administrative and Support Settings
• Physicians, Residents and Interns
• Allied Health Professionals: Dietitians, Pharmacists, Physiotherapists, Occupational Therapists
• Recreational Therapists Child Life Specialists, Speech Language Therapists, Dental Staff
Nancy Colier is a psychotherapist, author, public speaker, mindfulness teacher and interfaith minister. A longtime student of Eastern spirituality, mindfulness practices form the ground of her work. She is the author of the upcoming The Emotionally Exhausted Woman: Why You’re Feeling Depleted and How to Get What You Need (New Harbinger, 2022), and several other books including Can’t Stop Thinking (New Harbinger, 2021), The Power of Off: The Mindful Way to Stay Sane in a Virtual World (Sounds True, 2016). Nancy is a sought after speaker on well being, mindfulness and technology, and has been featured on Good Morning America, The New York Times and countless other media. She is also a regular blogger for Psychology Today and Huffington Post. In addition, Nancy spent 25 years as a top-ranked equestrian on the national horse show circuit and serves as a performance consultant to professional athletes and artists.