The Detection of Malingered Mental Illness


120 minutes including a Q&A

• A certificate of completion
• The on-demand recording to watch at your convenience, for at least one year
• A handout in PDF format for viewing or self-printing

See below for the outline, speaker biography, and more.

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120 minutes including a Q&A

• A certificate of completion
• The on-demand recording to watch at your convenience, for at least one year
• A handout in PDF format for viewing or self-printing

• The challenges of identifying Malingering and Factitious Disorders
• To identify who malingers and what are the motivations to malinger
• To identify major clues to malingered psychosis; identifying behaviours during interview
• To differentiate between”real” hallucinations and delusions…or “fake” ones
• To identify clues to malingering in patients pleading insanity
• To view video examples of malingered behaviour

Clinical situations where mental health and the law intersect can often cause confusion. The assessment of malingering can present significant challenges for mental health clinicians. The traditional clinician-patient relationship is based on the assumption that a patient is in genuine need of treatment, so clinicians may feel uneasy about initiating malingering assessment. This uneasiness is understandable given the potential for escalation of an individual’s behaviour when confronted with the clinician’s suspicions of malingering, Clinicians are nevertheless likely to encounter cases of malingering and this webinar aims to improve understanding of the issues critical to identifying them and the standard of practise.

Who Should Attend?:
• Psychiatrists, Clinical Psychologists, Nurses, Psychiatric Social Workers
• Allied Mental Health Professional Staff in addiction, crisis and forensic settings
• Mental Health Staff in adult or juvenile forensic/corrections settings
• Attorney, Crown Prosecutors and Justice Staff
• RCMP and Police/Detectives.

Dr. Phillip Resnick, MD

Dr. Phillip J. Resnick is a leading international authority on Forensic Psychiatry, specializing in the clinical prediction of the risk of violence and the assessment of malingering and deception. He has consulted on or provided expert testimony witness on a number of well-known criminal cases including those of Jeffrey Dahmer, Timothy McVeigh, Susan Smith, Andrea Yates and the Unabomber. Currently the Director of Forensic Psychiatry at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, Ohio, he is also a past president of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law. He has written extensively on forensic topics and is well known as one of the most outstanding speakers in the field of forensic psychiatry today.