A Bacteria, a Virus and a Parasite Walk into a Bar: A Quirky Approach to the Interpretation of Lab Tests
This is NOT your “run-of-the-mill Lab Test book.” Of course, it’s not—it’s written by the “not your run-of-the-mill” nursing educator, Barb Bancroft. What is the best way to describe this book? It’s “lab-a-palooza” of a tome, with full explanations of every day lab tests, interspersed with clinical quips, timely tips, case studies, pharmacology pearls, historical highlights, practical pointers, and peppered with a few giggles and laughs along the way. Barb blends physiology, pathophysiology, pharmacology, and physical assessment pearls seamlessly throughout each of the 12 chapters. The first chapter, named after the title of the book, A Bacteria, a Virus, and a Parasite Walk Into a Bar… discusses the lab tests used to diagnose infections with a thorough explanation of the WBC and differential. The second chapter covers RBCs and a thorough review of the myriad of anemias. Bloody Hell is Chapter 3 – all about the tests used for clotting and bleeding. Other chapters include Read My Lipids, A Touch of the Sugar, Liver Logic, To Pee or Not to Pee, Breath, Sweat, and TearSSSSSS, The Land of the Gland—Thyroid, that is, Enzymes Galore and So Much More, and a few more on Electrolytes and Tumor Markers. Piqued your interest? It’s educational, entertaining, and enlightening…what more could you want in a book on Lab Tests?